New Release! The Rhythm of Hedonism – Read It Today!

The Rhythm of Hedonism, my first book of a new series, the Jamaican Chronicles, has now been released on Amazon! It’s a Kindle Unlimited Exclusive and only available on Amazon!

Does a seemingly ordinary marriage need a spark? Kristi and Simon are a married couple, living a rather boring day to day life. When Simon ends up making a huge mistake at work, he’s asked to take a bit of time away and possibly find a new position. This gives the couple a bit of time to talk about their future and they realize this may be the best time to blow off some steam and finally take some well needed vacation… to the Carribean.

Once they arrive in Jamaica, Kristi learns about Simon’s fantasies and they decide to head to a luxurious nudist resort, for a getaway meant to rekindle their romance. What they find is far more. As inhibitions melt away under the Caribbean sun, they meet some well built Jamaicans, who awaken a desire Kristi never knew existed. Boundaries blur as they explore their sexuality, both together and with the new black men they meet along the way, in the resort’s uninhibited atmosphere. This isn’t just a vacation; it’s a journey of rediscovery, filled with passion, unexpected connections, and the thrilling realization that pleasure can come in many forms.

Taming the Black Warrior

The second of many in this hot new series, The African Chronicles, Taming the Black Warrior!

Gwen can’t stop thinking about her incredibly passionate and pleasurable experience with the black tribesman that Ada introduced her to. The length and girth of his powerful manhood took her to places she had never known existed. Her lust has reached new levels and the fire in her loins grows hotter as each day passes in Africa. Ian is still trying to convince the Prince of his religious message and needs to stay longer than expected.

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The Alpha Boss

Sara Coxin presents The Alpha Boss:

Peter works as an executive assistant for Jordan, a highly successful vice president of information technology. The two have a good working relationship until their department is audited. Peter had asked for a reschedule of a meeting once, on behalf of Jordan, and the CFO chewed his boss out.

When Peter has to try and fit in a meeting request from audit in the next week and he’s clueless as to what he can do. Jordan’s calendar is fully packed with meetings that were sent months in advance. Peter knows that if he asks to move out the audit meeting outside of the two weeks they requested, that Jordan would most likely be reamed out by the CFO again.

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Brooke Undercover – Brooklyn Heights

The second part of my first crime thriller. Brooke is deep undercover and she’s been promoted to manage a more prestigious gang territory, Brooklyn Heights. She hasn’t heard from her own squadron in a while, and she’s got quite a lot to tell them. Her instincts tell her that something is wrong but she knows she has to ignore them if she wants to survive.

Lamar and Marcus aren’t like the usual run of the mill gangsters she’s used to. As she becomes more engrossed in their lives, she begins to wonder if they’re getting outside help. They’ve split their empire into multiple gangs, with no true center that she can pinpoint. In addition, they’ve built several businesses of their own to launder their money.

Continue reading Brooke Undercover – Brooklyn Heights

One Wild Night 2

The second part of one of my favorites series to write. The second of three wild nights!

Susan and her sister Sarah decide to celebrate at a night club. It’s Susan’s birthday and she hasn’t been out with her older sister in a long time. The two go to a nearby club and begin to enjoy the night.

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Brooke Undercover – Brooklyn Nights

Sup, this was book one of my first foray into crime, police thrillers with some interracial mixed in. Brooke is a beat cop in New Jersey. She’s from a family of cops, starting with her grandfather and she’s damn proud of it. When the New York Police Department suffers a horrible cybersecurity breach that reveals all their undercover agents, the Captain of Brooke’s precinct asks her if she wants to help.

She is a bit hesitant at first, having never gone undercover, but Captain Bolt reassures her that she has the skills to succeed. When she agrees, Captain Bolt informs her that they are running on very limited information. Per the NYPD the breach was from hackers, hired by a mysterious gang that has slowly engulfed Brooklyn. The NYPD don’t even have a main suspect, or even a name on the gang.

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Backstage Pass – New Book!

A new release announcement to celebrate the site working again!

Lisa is surprised when her sister let’s her know that she has a ticket and a backstage pass to one of her most favorite rappers, Chauncery. Luckily for her, her sister can’t make it and gives her both the ticket and the pass. Lisa can’t believe it, but she takes it and heads on out to see the thick, muscular, tattooed rapper of her dreams…

Continue reading Backstage Pass – New Book!

New Bundle Release – The Bachelorette Party

Our first bundle from PEAR Stories!  Jane, Trevon and I joined forces to co-write a crazy encounter for five women at one amazing strip club.  Combining Debbie’s Big Black Surprise, Laura’s Double Trouble, and Shelly, Jen, and the Six Black Men, to create The Bachelorette Party.

The Bachelorette Party

One bachelorette, four close friends, and three hot erotic stories at a seedy male strip club full of big black men. Debbie, Laura, Shelly, Joan and Jen all have an intense experience in the arms of massive ebony men. This is one crazy bachelorette party that will never be forgotten. This bundle includes stories by Jane Snow, Jenna Powers and Trevon Carter!

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Laura’s Double Trouble – NEW!

Hey!  Continuing on in the multi-author bundle we’re doing.  Kicking off another hot part of The Bachelorette Party.  The second part focuses on Debbie’s friends, this time with Laura!

Laura's Double Trouble

Laura’s Double Trouble
The Bachelorette Party Part 2

Laura and Joan have meticulously planned their friend, Debbie’s, bachelorette party and start the night off with a bang at a strip club full of big black men. They watch as Debbie is toyed with by a massive black man but before things get hot and heavy, they’re asked to leave the private room. Laura can’t help but feel the heat between her legs spread rapidly through her as she’s led out by one of the muscular strippers named Hammer.

Before Hammer leaves Laura and her friends at a table, she grabs his attention and asks if she can get a private show. Hammer nods and takes her off to a darkened section of the strip club where Laura can hear moans beneath the heavy music filling the club. He takes her into a small little alcove covered by a curtain and starts the private showing.

Continue reading Laura’s Double Trouble – NEW!

Debbie’s Big Black Surprise – New!

Hello all!  A new story from me, Jane Snow!  It’s the first part of a bundle that Jenna, Trevon and I are all working on!  The hot interracial action starts with Debbie’s Big Black Surprise…

Debbie's Big Black SurpriseDebbie’s Big Black Surprise
The Bachelorette Party Part 1

Debbie’s bachelorette party is here and her friends have quite the surprise for her! They all take her out, making her think she’s going to go clubbing one last time, but instead, they head over to a quite seedy part of town. Her friends take her to a male strip club far on the outskirts of the city!

The group of girls head in to see massive, muscular men showing off their gleaming sexual bodies under blinking lights and thunderous roars of music. They meet one of the owners of the strip club, who invites them into a special room to celebrate Debbie’s big party. Continue reading Debbie’s Big Black Surprise – New!