Gym Envy – New Book Release

My first post and it’s to release a new hot piece of gay erotica!

Sara Coxin presents Gym Envy:

Gym Envy

Jake has had a rough time trying to find pleasure in a relationship. He’s tried meeting people through work, through friends, at bars, and most recently through a mobile application. His most recent attempt was with a woman he met on Tindr, but like all other women he’d met with, he couldn’t feel a connection.

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Big Black Boss – New Story Release

Hello all!  A new story from me, Jane Snow!  Another hot little interracial fantasy, Big Black Boss.

Big Black BossBig Black Boss

Jenny is an executive assistant in a small, predominantly white town. When her boss, Lincoln, is let go, she’s worried that she’ll follow right after, or will be get shuffled around unti she’s jobless. It’s not uncommon for a new incoming executive to bring along their own assistant.

The only thing she’s heard about the new executive, Marcus, is that he’s a black man, rare in this town, and that’s relatively young. As she goes to get her lunch delivery, she finally manages to greet him along with the other Vice President’s. Marcus gives her a warm hello before continuing on with his meetings with executives.

While Jenny sits and eats her lunch at her desk, Marcus stops by and says hello again. She’s oddly attracted to the tall, dark, friendly man but he head’s into his office for a call. As Jenny notices a pop up on her calendar informing her of a last minute meeting, she pops into her new boss’ office and is stunned to see him quite literally with his pants down.

As a lonely black man in a white town, he’s been unable to “release his stress” so to speak. Jenny decides this is her chance to make sure that she gets to keep her job, get a raise, and maybe, just maybe, have a bit of fun at the same time…

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