NEW RELEASE – The Hot First Night – Dallas Hotwives Club Part 1

Marcus and Willis are brothers of a young black genius starting his own startup. They uprooted their lives to support him, moving to Austin, becoming Vice Presidents of the startup and doing the best they can to help grow the little company. Along with them are 4 other black men who all moved to Austin. Marcus and Willis have planned a long weekend vacation with their staff, letting their youngest brother and CEO, Dwayne, have some time on his own to get ready for a big presentation for a well known investor.

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One Wild Night 3

The last part of one of my favorites series to write. An exciting third and final wild night!

Susan and Sarah both talk about what happened during’s Susan’s birthday, and are surprised to learn that they both enjoyed incredible nights with big black men. Susan is even more stunned as her sister, Sarah, has always been more of the straight arrow types. While Susan is used to partying hard and one night stands since her college days, her sister is married with two kids.

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Brooke Undercover – Brooklyn Heights

The second part of my first crime thriller. Brooke is deep undercover and she’s been promoted to manage a more prestigious gang territory, Brooklyn Heights. She hasn’t heard from her own squadron in a while, and she’s got quite a lot to tell them. Her instincts tell her that something is wrong but she knows she has to ignore them if she wants to survive.

Lamar and Marcus aren’t like the usual run of the mill gangsters she’s used to. As she becomes more engrossed in their lives, she begins to wonder if they’re getting outside help. They’ve split their empire into multiple gangs, with no true center that she can pinpoint. In addition, they’ve built several businesses of their own to launder their money.

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New Bundle Release – The Bachelorette Party

Our first bundle from PEAR Stories!  Jane, Trevon and I joined forces to co-write a crazy encounter for five women at one amazing strip club.  Combining Debbie’s Big Black Surprise, Laura’s Double Trouble, and Shelly, Jen, and the Six Black Men, to create The Bachelorette Party.

The Bachelorette Party

One bachelorette, four close friends, and three hot erotic stories at a seedy male strip club full of big black men. Debbie, Laura, Shelly, Joan and Jen all have an intense experience in the arms of massive ebony men. This is one crazy bachelorette party that will never be forgotten. This bundle includes stories by Jane Snow, Jenna Powers and Trevon Carter!

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Debbie’s Big Black Surprise – New!

Hello all!  A new story from me, Jane Snow!  It’s the first part of a bundle that Jenna, Trevon and I are all working on!  The hot interracial action starts with Debbie’s Big Black Surprise…

Debbie's Big Black SurpriseDebbie’s Big Black Surprise
The Bachelorette Party Part 1

Debbie’s bachelorette party is here and her friends have quite the surprise for her! They all take her out, making her think she’s going to go clubbing one last time, but instead, they head over to a quite seedy part of town. Her friends take her to a male strip club far on the outskirts of the city!

The group of girls head in to see massive, muscular men showing off their gleaming sexual bodies under blinking lights and thunderous roars of music. They meet one of the owners of the strip club, who invites them into a special room to celebrate Debbie’s big party. Continue reading Debbie’s Big Black Surprise – New!

Big Black Boss – New Story Release

Hello all!  A new story from me, Jane Snow!  Another hot little interracial fantasy, Big Black Boss.

Big Black BossBig Black Boss

Jenny is an executive assistant in a small, predominantly white town. When her boss, Lincoln, is let go, she’s worried that she’ll follow right after, or will be get shuffled around unti she’s jobless. It’s not uncommon for a new incoming executive to bring along their own assistant.

The only thing she’s heard about the new executive, Marcus, is that he’s a black man, rare in this town, and that’s relatively young. As she goes to get her lunch delivery, she finally manages to greet him along with the other Vice President’s. Marcus gives her a warm hello before continuing on with his meetings with executives.

While Jenny sits and eats her lunch at her desk, Marcus stops by and says hello again. She’s oddly attracted to the tall, dark, friendly man but he head’s into his office for a call. As Jenny notices a pop up on her calendar informing her of a last minute meeting, she pops into her new boss’ office and is stunned to see him quite literally with his pants down.

As a lonely black man in a white town, he’s been unable to “release his stress” so to speak. Jenny decides this is her chance to make sure that she gets to keep her job, get a raise, and maybe, just maybe, have a bit of fun at the same time…

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